The Personal is Always Political: A panel at AWP 2025
Join me, Rachel Mennies, Tariq Luthun, Ally Ang, and Jericho Brown at 1:45pm (PST) in LA at AWP 2025 to talk about how even our most personal, seemingly private poems are intimately related to our politics. Event description:
“Confessional poetry and the phrase ‘The personal is political’ have parallel histories. While some have claimed that autobiographical poetry is apolitical, that claim has always been fallacious—and never more so than in the poetry of the present. This panel gathers five poets to share their strategies for infusing even their most ‘private’ or ‘interior’ poems with their politics and their ethics, read brief examples of their own and others’ work, and engage the audience collaboratively.”
We’re in Room 406AB (Level 2) of the LA Convention Center.
Life after Life: a panel at MLA 2025
If you’re headed to New Orleans for MLA 2025, join me, Cacao Diaz, Orchid Tierney, Stefanie K. Dunning, and Juan Esteban Plaza for “Life after Life: Visualizing Life and Death Worlds.” I’ll be giving a talk from the Langston Hughes chapter of my scholarly book project, Grave Dangers.
Black Buffalo Woman: The Poetry and Poetics of Lucille Clifton at Furious Flower
This panel, organized and led by Kazim Ali in celebration of his new book about Lucille Clifton, celebrates the poetry and poetics of Clifton at Furious Flower. Join me, William Fogarty, Marina Magloire, and Kazim! I’ll be speaking about material connected to the Clifton chapter of my scholarly project, Grave Dangers.
"Something True Has Been Spoken" Festival
This two-day poetry festival held at 10 Grand Central, 155 E. 44th St, 10th floor in NYC features DeeSoul Carson, David Groff, Edgar Kunz, Tariq Thompson, Rosanna Young Oh, and myself. Registration is required, but the event is free and open to all.
Ecofeminism: A Poetry Reading
With Destiny Hemphill. A poetry reading themed around ecofeminism hosted by the Franklin Humanities Institute at Duke, co-sponsored by the Art and the (De)Colonial Garden working group and the Strange Life working group. Ahmadieh Family Lecture Hall - C105, Bay 4, Smith Warehouse - 114 S. Buchanan Blvd, free and open to the public.
Multifunction: Creativity Across Domains
This is a panel discussion for members of the UNC-Chapel Hill community in connection with Terrance Hayes’s visit as the 2024 Frank B. Hanes Writer-in-Residence. If you’re a UNC person, please join me, Gaby Calvocoressi, Skylar Gudasz (singer and songwriter), Josh Hockensmith (visual artist), and Terrance at the Donovan Lounge in Greenlaw Hall for a discussion about our creative practices!
The Watering Hole
I’m delighted to be a facilitator at The Watering Hole’s annual winter retreat this year. Please apply; I’d love to work with you!
Bull City Presents
I’m delighted to be appearing with Dasan Ahanu for the Bull City Presents series at Mettlesome Theater in Durham! Mettlesome Theater in Golden Belt, 800 Taylor Street, Suite 9-156, Durham. Free and open to the public. Stay after for a comedy set from Golden Age in collaboration with me!
City of Asylum Jazz Poetry Month
As part of the City of Asylum’s Jazz Poetry Festival, I (& one more poet whose identity I don’t know yet but am excited to meet!) will do a reading with a musical trio featuring Melanie Dryer, Mara Rosenbloom, and Kyoko Kitamura. The poetry set is typically 20-30 minutes, with 7-10 minutes per poet, and the musicians. Pittsburgh, PA. Further details TK!
GLCA New Writers Award/Earlham College
Excited to visit Earlham College as a GLCA New Writers Award stop! Events closed to the Earlham College community.
Reading for Cynthia Manick's book launch: NO SWEET WITHOUT BRINE
Join me, Fred Joiner, and Khalisa Rae at Rofhiwa Books Cafe in Durham, NC to celebrate the launch of the brilliant Cynthia Manick’s new book, No Sweet Without Brine!
Virginia Beall Ball Lecture in Contemporary Poetry and Panel during the Beall Poetry Festival
These two events are part of the Beall Poetry Festival. First, I’ll be giving a lecture on contemporary poetry at 3:30pm on Thursday, March 30; next, I’ll be a part of a panel discussion with Shane McCrae, A. Van Jordan, and Ada Limon, led by Chloe Honum, at 3:30pm on Friday, March 31. Events are free and open to the public, and the full schedule is here.

The book launch of FEAST by Ina Cariño, Winner of the 2021 Alice James Award!
If you’re in Raleigh or the Triangle, join me, Tyree Daye, and Threa Almontaser to fête FEAST by Ina Cariño, the winner of the 2021 Alice James Award, at Neptune’s Parlor!
ACLA Seminar: Let's Talk About Poems
If you’re attending the ACLA’s 2023 meeting, I’m thrilled to be a part of the seminar Let’s Talk About Poems convened by Natalia Cecire and Virginia Jackson. The seminar is slotted for Stream B. Find more information here, and see you there!
AWP Panel: Academic Worker Solidarity in Creative Writing
AWP Panel: Academic Worker Solidarity in Creative Writing
Room 447-448, Summit Building, Seattle Convention Center, Level 4
The times listed are in PST.
With Natalie Shapero, Lindsay Turner, and Grace Talusan.
In a form characterized by compression, what does it mean to write at length? Can such works cleave to standards of precision and concision as they extend beyond the standard one-pager? What kinds of world-building, expansiveness of thought, or complexity of experience might be achieved in multipage or even book-length poems? Panelists will read briefly from their work, discuss both formal and free-verse approaches to writing long poems, and offer strategies for generating and sustaining them.
AWP Panel: The Pocket Epic - Poets Writing at Length
AWP Panel: The Pocket Epic - Poets Writing at Length
Room 447-448, Summit Building, Seattle Convention Center, Level 4
The time listed is in PST.
With Melissa Crowe, Meg Day, and Paisley Rekdal.
In a form characterized by compression, what does it mean to write at length? Can such works cleave to standards of precision and concision as they extend beyond the standard one-pager? What kinds of world-building, expansiveness of thought, or complexity of experience might be achieved in multipage or even book-length poems? Panelists will read briefly from their work, discuss both formal and free-verse approaches to writing long poems, and offer strategies for generating and sustaining them.
GLCA New Writers Award/Jack Ridl Visiting Writers Series
Reading with memoirist Noé Álvarez at Hope College for the Jack Ridl Visiting Writers Series, courtesy of the Great Lakes Colleges Association New Writers Award. Details TK!
Reading: Sumita Chakraborty and Meg Day
Join Meg Day and me at So-and-So Books in Raleigh, NC! In person, ASL interpreted, masks encouraged. See their Facebook event as well if you’re Facebook-inclined.
Dunkerley Dialogues at Skidmore College
Hosted by the The Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery at Skidmore College: “Join us on Thursday, October 6, at 6 pm, for a Dunkerley Dialogue with poet Sumita Chakraborty and Skidmore Associate Professor of English Maggie Greaves. Greaves, a co-curator for Parallax: Framing the Cosmos, will be in discussion with Chakraborty about the poet’s creative and scholarly work on the intersections of outer space, ecology, race, and gender. Dunkerley Dialogues pair Skidmore professors with artists in a conversation format, which is often a catalyst for new connections and understandings across disciplines, and can spark new ideas for all participants.” Free and open to the public!
Late Night Garden Party with Tyehimba Jess and Sumita Chakraborty
This headline event for the Emily Dickinson Museum is both in person and online, and is part of the 2022 installment of their annual Tell It Slant Poetry Festival. See this event’s information here, and the full festival lineup here. Festival registration is required, but registration is FREE.
Reading for the launch of VAPOR by Sara Eliza Johnson
Join me and Rachel Mennies to celebrate the launch of Sara Eliza Johnson’s second collection, Vapor! Free, virtual, and available to the public, hosted by the lovely Literati in Ann Arbor.
Open Mouth Poetry Retreat: Panel on Publicity and Publishing
For the Open Mouth Poetry Retreat, I’ll be speaking with a couple other panelists about publicity and publishing. Come from the advice, stay for the mutual keening about production in late capitalism! Retreat details here. Open to retreat attendees.
Five Bodies Reading: Sumita Chakraborty & Karen McCarthy Wolf
As part of the Five Bodies Series—a collaboration between the Critical Poetics Research Group at Nottingham Trent University and Nottingham Contemporary—I will be giving a reading with Karen McCarthy Wolf. While this reading is closed to participants in the Five Bodies program, you can find more information about this workshop and the series more broadly here (for our reading) and here (for the series as a whole). Please note all times on those linked sites are in BST; I am listing the times here in EST. Free and open to the public.
Five Bodies Workshop: How to Care for the Dead with Sumita Chakraborty
As part of the Five Bodies Series—a collaboration between the Critical Poetics Research Group at Nottingham Trent University and Nottingham Contemporary—I’m offering a workshop titled How to Care for the Dead. While this workshop is closed to participants in the Five Bodies program, you can find more information about this workshop and the series more broadly here (for my workshop) and here (for the series as a whole). Please note all times on those linked sites are in BST; I am listing the times here in EST.
LOGOS presents Sumita Chakraborty and Dana Levin
Please join me and Dana Levin for a reading and conversation for LOGOS, a project of EcoTheo Collective. Free and open to the public. Click here for all details. (Note that on EcoTheo’s website, all times are in CST; I have the time listed here in EST.)
Writing the Wound: How to Write Trauma Ethically / AWP 2022
With Roxane Gay, Maggie Smith, Saeed Jones, and Aubrey Hirsch.
Event description:
Our wounds are the openings to our deepest selves. The craving for connection in these soft and tender places and the instinct to seek out witnesses to our scars are universal. But how can we ensure we are writing toward healing, rather than re-traumatization? And how do we write ethically about those who have hurt us? Panelists working in fiction, nonfiction, poetry and graphic storytelling will discuss their personal experiences and best practice principles for writing trauma ethically.
Too often writers feel pressured to divulge trauma in their writing, without thought to how these disclosures can re-open wounds and compound the damage they’ve caused. This is especially true for writers with marginalized identities. This thoughtful and diverse group of writers working in multiple genres will discuss how to resist the pressure to write in a way that increases harm, and how to center personal ethics and your own healing in your written explorations.
Details to come (note that for now the dates of this event are the dates of AWP; will udpate when the conference schedule is posted).
An Alice James Quartet / AWP 2022
I’ll be reading with Jeffrey Thomson, Rosebud Ben-Oni, and Shara McCallum, moderated and introduced by editor extraordinaire Carey Salerno. Details to come (note that for now the dates of this event are the dates of AWP; will udpate when the conference schedule is posted).
Soul Sister Revue
I’m very excited to be reading with Cornelius Eady, Samiya Bashir, Wendy Xu, and Devonaire Ortiz, hosted by Cynthia Manick! This event is free and open to all; register at Eventbrite.
Reading for the Grand Valley Writers' Series
Hosted by Grand Valley State. Join myself and Nandi Comer for a reading and a Q&A. At this time, this event is an in-person event. Details here:
"We who?: Mutuality and Poetic Address" Panel at ASAP/12
Open to all attendees of ASAP/12: a roundtable titled “We who?: Mutuality and Poetic Address” organized by Kim Quiogue Andrews, including Gillian White, Brian Glavey, Brandon Menke, Kamran Javadizadeh, Dominick Knowles, and myself! Find more information about the conference here.